46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Bia Gonçalves e Rebeca Rasel / Galeria de Arte Ibeu]
A set of four pedestals for organizing the flow of people (known as single lines), closed together and occupying a total area of 1 square meter, will be placed in the exhibition space. The security guards will position to safeguard the property – one inside the area demarcated with the pedestals and the other outside. The security guard will act whenever the work’s security is threatened.--
The performance Work provokes a thought about the work of art in its material scope – the body of the guards and of those using the single lines. The single lines are commonly used in cultural spaces or museums to separate the public from objects that need greater protection from touch. In this context, the Work reset this safeguard situation when it proposes placing the body of a security guard inside four single lines closed together.
However, beyond the simple exhibition of the protected body, the Work makes the security guard exercise his protective role towards another security guard who is outside the single lines area. The following system is created: the security guard inside single lines area protects the security guard outside -> single lines -> the security guard outside "unifila" protects the security guard inside. The system generates a noise when the security guard acts inside the single lines to protect the work of art space outside the single lines, producing a blurring between what is the space inside and what is the own work. At this point, to make an analogy, the single lines would be the atmosphere. Is it inside or outside?
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Bia Gonçalves e Rebeca Rasel / Galeria de Arte Ibeu]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Bia Gonçalves e Rebeca Rasel / Galeria de Arte Ibeu]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Bia Gonçalves e Rebeca Rasel / Galeria de Arte Ibeu]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Georges Gonçalves e Maria Clara Boing]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Georges Gonçalves e Maria Clara Boing]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Georges Gonçalves e Maria Clara Boing]
46º Salão de Artes Visuais Novíssimos [curadoria: Cesar Kiraly], 2017, Galeria de Arte Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Georges Gonçalves e Maria Clara Boing]