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Logo da empresa Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial
Interactive object - croqui, 2021, ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm.

Interactive Object

Consists of putting a site-specific object on a pedestal and naming it Interactive Object. In case the work is touched, the security guard in the space will approach the visitor saying that touching is prohibited. The interactivity occurs.


The Interactive Object emerges as an attempt to create an articulation between the institution and the artistic experience. The proposal happens when three perspectives – the visitor, the Interactive Object and the security guards – gather each other. The discussion is promoted due to the work’s area of tension among the literalness of its name, the political issues that an institution has to deal with and the interaction with visitors.

The Interactive Object changes. Its shapes, materials, scale and presence can vary according to the location where the performance takes place.

The name Interactive Object itself is an invitation to touch the work. However, if someone touches the work, the security guard with the following sentence will warn him: “Please, do not touch the work.” Ironically, another interaction layer is reached through this work – the visitor must interact with the institution during this aesthetic process. The work becomes a trigger and puts in evidence the interactions in the art system.

20º encontro dos alunos do PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ - Escutas, silêncios e intervalos, 2015, Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Maria Clara Boing]

20º encontro dos alunos do PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ - Escutas, silêncios e intervalos, 2015, Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Maria Clara Boing]

20º encontro dos alunos do PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ - Escutas, silêncios e intervalos, 2015, Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Maria Clara Boing]