Logo da empresa Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial
Careless - croqui, 2018, ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm.


The security guard will perform his surveillance tasks carelessly.


If someone acts incompetently, he/she does so because he/she does not have the experience or knowledge. This attitude happens due to lack of knowledge. However, those who are careless act deliberately. They know how it is done, they have technical knowledge, but for some other reason they do the job poorly, or with a lack of attention, or without enthusiasm or interest. In short, without delivering their greatest performance.

Within the context of institutional safeguarding, careless attitudes are rarely observed, because if they are, the workers will be severely punished. However, when socializing and talking, it is possible to access reports of these attitudes that go unnoticed by everyone, including their inspectors. Intentional tactics seeking bodily and mental relief from the punishing work regime imposed by the profession. The subtlety in the deviation.

Taking this thinking into consideration, Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda. presents Careless, a set of micro-performances in which our security guards will carry out their safeguarding duties careless, but in readiness, doing their job. Acts of carelessness, therefore, will be in a zone of doubt and dubious existence. They will not be extremely visible, theatrical nor invisible, but they will be barely visible. When people see and confront these subversions, minimal as they may be, they will wonder what is going on – if it is a performance or not. Moreover, everything will go on as normal for our clients, without prejudice, despite any suspicions.


Greve geral dos artistas na Phábrika, 2018, Centro Cultural Phábrika, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Maria Clara Boing]


Greve geral dos artistas na Phábrika, 2018, Centro Cultural Phábrika, Rio de Janeiro, RJ [fotos: Maria Clara Boing]