Sanitizing protocol - croqui, 2021, ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm.

Sanitizing protocol

The security guards will constantly sanitize their own hands.


The printed notices in galleries and museums are not so clear, are they? Even though small pictures show systematically how to sanitize each part of the hands, many of our customers report difficulty in understanding them. The exact rotation of the wrists, how to use the hand sanitizer to clean the nails, even the amount of soap needed to kill germs and bacteria is not exact. How can you avoid becoming contaminated in this dangerous scenario?

Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda. is delighted to tell you that your problems are over! Our highly trained team is prepared to carry out the sanitizing protocol constantly, but in their own hands. In this way, while adhering to safety measures, our employees will be an instructional platform for the visitors. By protecting themselves, they will protect others and show them how to protect themselves.

At the start of this new decade, health security issues are in the spotlight and it is of the utmost importance that we present ourselves cleanly, as well as introduce our protocols and security measures accurately and cohesively. This is not a new subject in art spaces, as for example in the work of the Bruscky & Santiago Team, where the duo is photographed bearing signs that say Clean and Disinfected, attesting to their own sanitizing. Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda. proposes with the Sanitizing Protocol the constant sanitizing as a platform for informing the audience and safeguarding the employee assigned to this activity, neutralizing it as a vector of transmission and guaranteeing that other people do not be either.

We understand the difficulties of maintaining social distance when it comes to art. That is why we recommend that you purchase the Sanitizing Protocol.

Let us protect ourselves together!

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