Kite - croqui, 2023, ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm.


The security guard will fly a kite.


A child playing on the ground could be manipulating a kite dancing in the sky. We know that drug dealers have used kites in conflict areas. They were once weapons of war in China. They are part of the sports practiced on the Asian continent. Whether the name is – kite, vlieers (in South Africa), papalote (in Mexico) or pipa (in Brazil), kites have been flying for ages and have many different uses.

We have never seen a security guard flying a kite. Well, at least not so far: Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda. is pleased to present its newest service – Kite.

From his workstation, the security guard will be seen with a line in his hand. No matter where you are – near the window of the exhibition space, at the entrance door, on an access ramp or in the courtyard outside the institution – a kite will fly, and it's your responsibility to move it every now and then.

The institution will certainly be seen from afar. Despite the height of the building, it will be further signposted. A clear message of where it is but, above all, that it is under our surveillance.

Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda.: by land, water and air.